The Journey
Mark 6:7-9
7 Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.8 These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. 9 Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.
Many barely made it into 2024, questioning whether they would…You see, in between God’s promise and God’s purpose is “the journey” to them both. The thing about this journey of life, when it gets hard and it appears hopeless and negative, it makes it hard to move forward in the journey.
I am not sure what journey you are on but you must understand God has provided you with His power for the journey.
(Mark 6:7)
On this journey, there’s no need to carry additional things that will hinder you from moving forward. All you need is your staff.
(Mark 6:8)
If I am honest, there have been plenty of times I have carried things into a space that would not support me moving forward. We have to be careful that we do not carry rejection, disappointment, bad reports, etc. with us. This type of behavior and baggage will shift your focus; instead of focusing on where God is taking you we make abandonment, hardship, and hurt the focus; which will essentially impede progress.
On this journey you cannot depend on the “stuff” to keep you going, you must depend on the “Savior”.
Leave all of your stuff and take your staff. (Mark 6:9).
On this journey, you must reflect on God’s goodness and be reminded of what He has done before. His track record is good.
Today identify what type of journey you are on. Identify what is shifting your focus. Examine what you are carrying that has your attention. Take some time and sit with yourself.
Breona Walker