No Battery Life and Shattered Screen

God has a humorous way of giving me revelations. Let's dive right into it...

Sadly, I developed a habit of charging my phone when it was convenient for me.

For example:  

I'd charge my phone while I was

1) in the shower,

2) driving, or

3) when I was trying to regain focus on my life and/or a situation.

Granted, these were all great times to charge my phone but for the wrong reasons. 


God wrecked me in my tracks.

It was a normal day for me at work and I realized:

a) my battery was always low which started to irk my nerves,

b) my screen was cracked...SHATTERED, and 

c) ... I was physically and emotionally EXHAUSTED


"You don't charge yourself of Me until you are left with no other option. I'm telling you, you are running low on Me but you wait until you know you can't do without Me to recharge yourself with Me". - God

What signs will your phone give you before it dies? What signs has God given you before you spiritually die? I began to think about the bad habits that I started and all the warning signs before. I was treating myself in the same manner as I treated my phone and its battery life. Technically, I was the phone, emotionally and physically. I had moments where I thought "I still have time.” I’d gauge how much use I could get out of the phone before it died, dismissing the ‘Battery Low’ signal(s) and pressing "Ok" as if it weren’t a warning, then recharging for a moment, just to get me through a short spurt. I would do all of these things but would never fully charge [ME]. What I learned is that, if a battery is left unattended, it's electrical current will drain, and, over time, it will lose its charge. 


If we’re in an environment that we can’t totally control, and our spiritual battery is being drained, then it is important that we do something to recharge our battery. Otherwise, the time will come when we really need the power of Faith and don't have it. You’ll find out that you're easily broken when you're not charged - even though you carry your charger (GOD!) wherever you go...


You see, the Charger is always there, unless you lose it, but it never loses its purpose to you. 


"Stop operating like your battery has life… IT HAS NONE!" God said "I have come so you can have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). Charge yourself; you never know when you will need greater spiritual powers, so do what it takes to make sure your spiritual battery is fully charged. God's warning signs to you will always come in the same fashion as green, yellow, and red. Know when you're charged, know when you're running low, and charge up when you’re running on fumes. 


When you're low on life, you're not only easily broken but closer to death. I started to look at the physical features of my phone and became disgusted with myself. Is your life shattered? Are parts of your life broken? Are you feeling low and drained? Is your life like your phone? 

I was walking around with a low battery and shattered screen DAILY. I was disgusted!! I was no longer covered - and, when you don't charge up, your life can shatter as well. Spiritually dying will result in cuts and bruises that may be covered up but not fully healed. You can't expect to plug in with the expectation of getting to "yellow" then use up/exert all the energy until you're back to "red". Listen, don’t defeat the purpose of your charge! Have the mentality of "I have to get to my charge" (MY GOD)..."I can't talk long"..."WHERE'S MY PLUG?", "I can't scroll through my feed for too long, I have to get PLUGGED in". No longer will I run to "MY PLUG" in desperation, but in true reverence. Although He has all power to restore me, I have to have my "hands stretched to Him as my soul longs for Him like a parched land" (Psalm 143:6).



A Charged life is your protection. 

Remember, as I said before, the Charger is always there, unless you lose it, but it never loses its purpose to you. I’m so grateful that, when I lost my charger, I was able to go buy another. Thanks be to God, I can always find my Charger! 






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