Look Ahead

Am I the only one who tends to dwell on things of the past? What if God is trying to adjust your eyes to things that He has ahead of you, and for verses related to the things that you’ve lived through and been through (good or bad)?


I’m super analytical; I dissect everything to the point where I’ve missed out on moments because I’ve mentally thought too much into the past, stuck on old moments of life -  good and bad. I can be present but my presence is elsewhere... Lord, Help!


So, what if there’s a struggle seeing the “new thing”? Is there a need for a change of focus? 


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now, it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19


First, let’s figure out what is behind us that has us looking back. For me, my moments of looking back stemmed from worry, fear, and anxiety. I feared going into new things because, looking back, I was reminded of how things played out before. I worried about new things because, looking back, I was reminded by past failures/ and I dwelled in that place of rejection which caused me to question everything and everybody. I walked, intimated by others’ intentions and situations that I would make up in my head based on moments. I struggle with the heaviness of anxiety, not because I want to but, because those big moments in life that we call “trauma” show up.


Trauma –  a deeply distressing or disturbing experience FROM the past.


This is where that inner work that I’ve been speaking on comes into play. I’m aware that these moments of looking behind me, into the past, are in need of some inner work with the help of God. If I’m not careful - if you’re not careful - we will live a life where our past is controlling how we move, how we respond, how we think and what we focus on.  


I’m not sure what your destination is or what you need to look ahead to but your destination (your new thing) will continue to be unclear and a struggle to get to because of the habit of looking behind. Let’s use driving as an example: Looking back is necessary for several reasons when driving but looking ahead has a greater reward. If you continue to look behind you, you won’t be able to see where you’re going. You will be in this awkward stage where your body is in motion but your eyes aren’t fixed on where you are headed. Simply put, forget what is behind you and focus on what’s ahead of you if you’re ever going to move FORWARD into new things.


Lastly, one thing I had to also realize is: this doesn’t just apply to bad moments in your life it applies to great moments too. You can’t depend on past victories and faith to sustain you through what is to come – but He’s a God that will take you from glory to glory. In essence, your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, neither has it entered into your heart the things God will do for you.  So, in times of captivity, in times of dwelling in the past, you have to be determined to fix your eyes on the new things of God. Even if you can’t see it, believe; because in this moment, God is doing a new thing!

So, I leave you with this:


Forget those things behind you, and stretch forward to the things which are before you (ahead of you) press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14


A Delighted Daughter


Inner Work.